Tips And Tricks How To Learn The Good For Exam / Dt Lessons For Students Elementary School, Junior High School Students
Starting from the my experience guy's, I'm is son really hard to make ngatur learned well. Many factors affect the hell, among the usual hell already, heheheh, LAZY. Tp although sometimes already difficult nyanto intention tetep wrote in the brain. The ends are not finished learning. Well here I finally know how good study tips. Therefore this time I will share tips and share knowledge about good learning. Read and iktin yo .... : DHere are tips and tricks that can be a valuable input in preparing yourself for the test or exam:
1. Learning GroupLearning can be a group learning activities become more enjoyable because it was accompanied by a friend and was at home alone so it can be more relaxed. But you should still be accompanied by an adult such as a brother, uncle, aunt or parents to learn to not turn into play. Group study is better to invite friends who are good and study hard so that is not smart to be smart catch. In the study group discussed the lessons that its activities are not well understood by all or part of a study group that has been described both the teacher and the teacher has not been clarified.
2. Make diligent Digest Notes LessonImportant parts of the lesson should be made a note in the paper or a booklet that can be taken anywhere so it can be read no matter where we are. However, such records should not be cheating because the media can be detrimental to our own.
3. Making Good PlanningTo achieve a goal is usually accompanied by a good plan. Therefore be worthwhile to make a study plan and the plan to determine whether achievement of the learning activities that we do have a maximum or needs improvement. Adjust the target achievement with the ability we have. Do not target the number one if we are still outside the top 10 in class. Create a learning plan that is prioritized on the weak subjects. Make a good study schedule.
4. Discipline In LearningIf we have made a study schedule it should run fine. Examples include a serious study on time and not while playing with full concentration. If time eating, bathing, worship, and so has come so do not delay. Continue learning after doing these activities if the study has not been completed. Play with friends or the game could damage the concentrations studied. Should play activities are also scheduled with a long enough time, but not tiring if done before the time of study. If playing video games should select games that educate and not cause a high curiosity or a sense of resentment is high if it loses.
5. On Being Asked and AskedIf there is anything unclear, then ask a teacher, friend or parent. If we ask, we will usually remember the answer. If you ask, ask and do not adequately test the people we are asked. Offer a friend to ask us the things he had not yet understand. The more we can be increasingly asked to remember the answers and if we do not know the correct answer, then we can discuss it with friends. Moreover6. Learning With Serious and PersistenceWhile studying in class listen and record what the teacher explained. Note that this is important because it could not exist in the book and will be out during test or exam. When free time reading the notes that have been made earlier and memorized while understandable. If we are to feel secure in a lesson then test yourself with the questions. After about done check the answers with the answer key. Review the wrong questions answered.
7. Learning to Avoid ExcessiveIf a test or a test is imminent usually we'll panic if not ready. Shortcuts are often done by students who are not ready to learn until late at night / stay up or make a cheat sheet. When will the exam should continue to sleep on time because if you stay up all night will bring adverse effects to health, especially for children.
8. Doing Honest In Deuteronomy And ExamsAvoid cheating when you're working on test or exam. Cheating can make our nature to cheat and liar. Lies however not be covered up constantly and tend to make lies to cover lies next next. Suppose a teacher caught cheating and will definitely have a future as criminals if we do the cheating.
How guy's, not interesting.try guy's! hopefully to successful well. And hopefully this bias kubagi tips useful for you all. Okay: D
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